Welcome to SJ's Quilting
I am the owner of SJ's Quilting and a partner in the family business called Pauline's Patchwork Ltd. This close association means that Pauline's Patchwork can provide you with your quilting supplies and I will then quilt your finished quilt top.
If you wish to post your quilt, please call the shop number to discuss the best way to get it to me.

Long Arm Quilting Service
Pauline's Patchwork Ltd have been providing a long arm quilting service since 2016. To date we has quilted over 200 customer quilts. The demand grew to the point where is made sense to purchase a second long arm quilting machine.
The second machine was purchased by the newly formed company SJ's quilting and provides the same service. The machines have been named Harry and Belinda. You can request which machine you wish the machine to be quilted on, or leave that up to me.
Both machines are HandiQuilter Avante long arm sewing machines on 10 foot studio frames, computer controlled using the latest ProStitcher software.
My husband is a HandiQuilter approved service technician and installer, covering the south coast of England.

Quilting service
Before you bring us your quilt, please note the following:
The backing, wadding and top must NOT be sprayed.
Backing and wadding must be at least 6 inches larger all the way round the quilt. Please do not remove any excess backing and wadding. You can remove this after the quilt has been returned to you.
The main service we offer is an edge to edge pattern.
We cannot accept long pile fleece as backing; the fleece gets pulled through to the front.
We cannot accept multiple joined backs that contain both vertical and horizontal joins; there is a danger that the backing fabric may pucker.
In exceptional circumstances, we reserve the right to return your quilt, un-quilted. Sarah will advise you on alternative options.
Binding Service
Once your quilt top has been quilted to the wadding and back, you may decide that you want me to make the binding and machine sew the binding to the front of your quilt. All you then need to do is to hand stitch the binding to the back of the quilt.

Hand stitching
So I have quilted your quilt and applied the binding. If you want I can also hand stitch the back for you.

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